13:/* If the argument is +/-0 , -infinity is returned. and FE _DIVByZERO is raised. If the argumnet is 1, 0 is raised If the argument is negative , NaN is returned and FE_INVALID is raised. IF the argument is + Infinity , + infinity is returned. If the argument is NaN , NaN is returned*/
case 6:// If the argumnet is <0 , FE_Invalid is raised and NaN is returned. // If teh argumnet is + infinite or +/- 0 it is returned unmodified.
5:// If base is finite and negivitve and exp is finite and non-integer a domain error occurs and a range error may occur. // If base is zero and exp is zero , a adomain error may occur. // if base is zero and exp is negitive , a domain erroe or a pole error may occur.
case 1: // When an atetmpt is made to divide by a variable containing a value of Zero . A divide by zero error